My little space in the world

Teaching in action – examples to share

Back into Bloggers!


After 3 days away from school (2 at CORE in Christchurch with the other e-fellows) it is nice to be back in the company of my wonderful bloggers! The excitement for today is that Aidan has had a reply from Kate De Goldi’s agent in regards to his post about her book ‘The 10pm Question’. He has sent her the link to his post and so we now wait in anticipation to see if she makes a comment on his post. Lucy has also really enjoyed Tania Roxborogh’s book ‘Limelight’ and so she would like to try and make contact with her in regards to the post she is currently putting together. Others are now talking of other New Zealand authors such as Vince Ford that they could read the books of and try and contact!

This is giving even further interest and adding another ‘spark’ to our programme.

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